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30 April 2011

Camera protection

Evening people!

I was just thinking about an answer to a question I've been asked a couple of times!

The question: why do you have in your camera bag two square bits of terry towel cloth and one brushed cotton cloth? My answer is normally "they are cloth nappies"!! This typically gets followed up with the question of why?

Well, me answer to that is, partly because I am a mother and partly because I desire to protect my camera!

From my experience, cameras don't like direct Sun for long periods of time. So when I'm out shooting, and the camera is not in use, I use one of the nappies as a shade cloth! I discovered that to make sure my daughter has food when we are out, you need to be able to put the camera down. I don't like putting it directly onto the grass or dirt so another nappy is used for the camera to sit on and be wrapped in! And lastly, when the weather here gets a little damp, as it often does, I have the third nappy on hand to help keep the camera dry when in use!

I also find that when it really starts raining (that's when the camera typically gets put away), zip lock bags are brilliant. They are extra rain protection!

If your camera is your lively hood or even just your relaxation/hobby, don't you think its wise to protect it? And to do so, doesn't have to cost the earth!

Sweet dreams and happy snapping!

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