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17 May 2011

the marvel of the eye

Tonight I saw some detail in the fire that I thought would make a great photo. Well, it would have, if it were possible!
It has been re-affirmed to me the marvel of Gods creation, the human eye, as compared to the digital SLR camera. (Not really much of a comparison). I attempted to take a photo with various settings, to capture exactly what I saw, with the same detail and clarity... To no avail. No settings that I tried could capture what I saw! The camera, although it is brilliant at capturing facial expressions, children at play, animals and amazing sunsets, can not seem to capture the detail and clarity of a fire. The only way it seems, to capture the fire the I see it, is to pause the fire itself. And as I have not yet learned how to do that, the detail I see in the fire will just have to remain, firstly in the fire and secondly, in my memory.

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