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18 May 2011

sheepyard sign

The welcome sign for the pub! While we were at Grawin we went to one of the other pubs... There were mice everywhere (running around in the pub). I found the staff to be polite but neither helpful or particularly chatty. And the patrons sat around in their own little groups not willing to talk with 4 strangers. However, the people at sheepyard were very helpful. They allowed me to charge my camera battery. The only mice we saw were running around our camp trying to evade Oreo. And the patrons were more than happy to have a conversation with 4 strangers and make them feel welcome. Maybe I'm just bias, but I know when I don't feel welcome. And at this other pub - I did not feel welcome! If I were to go back to Grawin, I would definitely camp next to the sheepyard inn again.

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