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20 June 2011

brand, personality, inanimate business entity...

When people say that a brand of a business is just a personality for the business, it leads me to feel like I am "playing God" in making an inanimate business into an entity with a personality. And that thought is not only very scary but it also says that there is a huge responsibility in owning/running a business of any kind.
And somewhere in the mix there should be an undeniable truth with a story. Not toforget the back story which needs to be credible... And the whole thing needs to be likeable. Yet it still sounds like I am to make an entity or being. Or am I just seeing it from a whole wrong perspective?
Likeability, findability, credibility, honesty, truth... The essence of a good business. Maybe with a small dash of loyalty thrown in... I think I need a hot chocolate and a little time to think this over!!

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