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27 June 2011

new blog home

Good morning everyone....

Well I've finally done it... I am one step closer to a fully intergrated blog in!! the address for my blogs new home is please come and visit! I am still working on layout and overall design, but it is up and running!!

And When you come visit - you'll get to see the photo of my new kitten! He is so cute and fluffy! His name is Razin Kasheikh.

This blog wont be going anywhere! And I will soon be putting a direct link to here on and!

Thank you for visiting me here! I hope you will continue to visit at the new address! By the way you can also find the new address on the info tab on!!

I think that was everything!

24 June 2011


Been experimenting with the flash... Seeing exactly what photos I can get with limited light... And hopefully today I will get a few extra props... There's only so many photos one can take of the dog!!

22 June 2011

Celtic country

Every Friday at mid-day the towns people of Glen Innes get treated to a lone piper... My family and I happened to be there at the right time and we not only froze but also got to listen to Amazing Grace bagpipe style! Beautiful!


Here we go!! A little bit of Aussie patriotism! Starting off with the Aboriginal flag... Followed by the Australian flag.

21 June 2011

me and my crazy thoughts

Honesty, integrity, loyalty, absolute truth: When it comes to business, I believe that if you are honest with yourself, your clients and your suppliers then you are set up to be viewed with integrity and you will be spoken of as being trustworthy. If your supplier has not got a particular item that you promised a client, be genuine and tell your client that your current supplier can not get the item and that you will do your best to source it elsewhere... Then actually do what you said you would do! Actions in this case will speak much louder than words.
Example: White Pages (WP) ad for TigerEye Freelance Photography... This ad had the businesses actual physical address. This posed a security issue for the family. "James" - the consultant for WP spent 3 weeks ignoring and seemingly making excuses for the lack of action on the repeated request for this to be changed! The issue was finally solved by the client placing a complaint with the customer service department for WP. The issue took half an hour to solve, however, due to the lack of action on "James’" behalf - WP has lost what could have been a very loyal client!
If you can not be honest, then there is not point in being in business! Word of your shady dealings will get out and your integrity will be destroyed, you will loose loyal friends and family and the absolute truth will be that you were an idiot!
Biblical advice
The bible has a lot to say on how to treat people! And where to place your trust! Proverbs is full of this advice! (Proverbs 12:1 Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.)
This is very important. A reputation takes years to build, and only seconds to destroy. If you are to build a reputation that will stand tests and trials, then you need to prove yourself trustworthy! Also it is very important to know who you can trust! God is an excellent starting place for that! (Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.)
Hard work
Starting a business is a lot harder than it looks. There is advertising, research, financial things and a pile of other information to consider! To turn an idea into a fully functioning and thriving business takes time and commitment!
Oh and then you will face a bunch of people who think that they know better than you who will tell you to not even try, because they “don’t want to see you fail”! by listening to these people you will fail!!
To not start is to fail, however, you will set yourself up to fail if you decide to do something that you know nothing about!! If you want a complete change of scenery then study your new subject! Although sometimes stepping out of the boat and “winging it” works just as well! I guess it depends on your personality! I have been told that flying by the seat of your pants is unwise... Sometimes its fun! But not always!

happy smiling Oreo

20 June 2011


Some time ago... I made a mention about needing to get a friend a bear or something because she was going to be going away for 5 weeks of radiation therapy! I got her her bear, and she's been away for about a week or so. I need to remember to ring her in the next few days.

brand, personality, inanimate business entity...

When people say that a brand of a business is just a personality for the business, it leads me to feel like I am "playing God" in making an inanimate business into an entity with a personality. And that thought is not only very scary but it also says that there is a huge responsibility in owning/running a business of any kind.
And somewhere in the mix there should be an undeniable truth with a story. Not toforget the back story which needs to be credible... And the whole thing needs to be likeable. Yet it still sounds like I am to make an entity or being. Or am I just seeing it from a whole wrong perspective?
Likeability, findability, credibility, honesty, truth... The essence of a good business. Maybe with a small dash of loyalty thrown in... I think I need a hot chocolate and a little time to think this over!!

sprung ya kitty

Here's my neighbours cat sneaking thru our yard. I'm glad Oreo had a bone he was chewing, cause this cat has got very good nose scratching power! Granted she seems to only use those skills when her dog evasion tactics fail! I'm sure you'd be a little violent (if you were a cat) towards dogs who get too close, when the dog you have to live in the same yard with every day enjoys chasing you up the nearest tree!

19 June 2011

dvd -The Gruen Transfer

Just watched an episode where one of the guy said that the internet is the ultimate truth serum...

18 June 2011

Stress releaf - fixing your environment!

Don't mind me - I was just looking on the internet about ways to reduce stress at work! I cant remember where I read it, but sometime ago I read that having landscape photos hanging on the wall helps to reduce stress at the office... In this most recent search I failed to find anything about it! However I did find stuff on getting your office fitted out with ergonomic office furniture and foot rests and having regular breaks, doing a little exercise and a few other things... To be honest I'm not entirely sure why I started looking up stress stuff and ways to reduce stress! Maybe I'm just wanting to make sure I have ways and means to reduce my stress when the time comes!!

17 June 2011


I didn't do any posts yesterday. Simply because I haven't worked on any photos! And well, sometimes one needs a break. Hopefully by Monday I'll have worked on some images and I'll be putting more up!

15 June 2011


I met this young fellow when we went to visit my grandmother and Aunt and Uncle! He has a friend with him but his friend was camera shy! This guy enjoyed smiling for the camera!

14 June 2011

bird of prey

I'm getting better with getting these magnificent creatures!

sand layers

I found this to be interesting. The layers of black and white sand. Sorry, I can't explain why it does that, or how! All I know is that it is possible to get very fine gold flakes in the black sand!